-ELEVATE- is a journey into deep, authentic Self-Discovery, listening to your soul cravings + becoming the fierce femme you were put on this Earth to be. It will teach you to reclaim the power and magic within you, giving you the skills you need to step into your highest truth and become an Empowered woman who impacts the World. 

Because here's what I KNOW for sure...we can dreams all the dreams, hustle our soul into the ground trying to make it a reality & still be frustrated with our results.  This is because there is a certain woman we MUST become in order to make all those things a reality.

THIS IS ELEVATE. -- The Recoding of our Identity to become the Goddess who can 10x her income in half the time with FAR more impact & have WAY more fun while she does it!

Have you ever....?

  • Felt completely lost on what your purpose is on this Planet?
  • Exhausted from the hustle, doing ALL-THE-THINGS & it's still not working how it could be.
  • Feel like you have lost the zest, passion, high-vibe jazz of life & have become stuck in the day-to-day lull?
  • Have BIG dreams for yourself but have no idea how to expand who you are to become the woman who can achieving these things - with ease?
  • KNOW you were made for MORE, made to do big things in with World, made to make an impact -- but lost as to what it all means for you?
  • Wanted to be 100% confident in the choices you are making for your life?
  • Get stuck in experiences or relationships that keep you from following through with your dreams?
  • Are you SICK & TIRED of getting in your own way? 
  • Are you READY to take a deep dive into the vision for your life & know for CERTAIN you are on the right path?

Then this course is FOR YOU!

Come with on this 8-week journey -- here are some of the magical topics we dive into:

What will I get:

-- 8 TRANSFORMATIONAL PORTALS:  these are modules that build on one another. 

-- 8 Beautiful Workbooks that accompany each of the Portals for deeper discovery + integration.

-- An Opening CEREMONY. In Sisterhood we will do a release ceremony to start the evolution process. What are you letting go of to make space for the 8 week transformation?

-- A Closing CEREMONY. It's gorgeous. An Embodiment + Cacao Ceremony. It's everything I could have ever dreamed into a virtual experience. << You are also send the cacao + mug as a gift right from me.

-- A High-Vibrational Facebook group. So much magic happens in this space. You will be seen, heard, celebrated + supported.



Clarity comes from chasing the divine whispers of your soul.


KC Volard

- Creator of The Empower Project™

A few years ago, I was LOST.  A brand new momma, $20 to my name, living in a mold infested condo trying to figure out how my life had gotten SO off course....All of the limiting beliefs, self-sabotage, addictions & constant searching for empty happiness in this life -- I KNEW it was time for BIG change. <<< So I drew the line in the sand.



The moment it all became clear is still so fresh to me—sitting on my bedroom floor, taking the last $20 I had to my name out of a bible I got as a little girl to buy groceries and diapers for my 2 month old bebe, desperately trying to figure out how everything had gone so drastically off course for my life. In that moment I made a HUGE promise -- this was NOT going to be the story of my life.

I knew there was going to require some huge growth required to move myself out of my current situation.  <<< Begin the DEEP soul searching.

The deeper I went and the more I learned about myself, the more it forced me outside of my comfort zone + opened up MANY stories I had been carrying through my life that crafted my reality. I studied mentors whose life I wanted my life to mimic. I dove deep into my spiritual journey. I surrendered and trusted the process of growth. 


And so my journey began. 

At first, it was uncomfortable. Discovering parts of myself that require A LOT of healing + rewiring. Uncovering parts of my soul I didn't know existed. Day in and day out I GREW. I grew my spirit, my mindset, & my frequency.  Making my dream vision for this life my full time commitment and JOB, I began putting all the principles into practice, trying and failing myself to figure out what worked and what didn’t. Learning to ELEVATE the woman I was to become and embody the woman I needed to become to change the course of my life.  I pieced together the information and in the experience of my own transformation...

the ELEVATE program was born. 

The process you will learn in ELEVATE is the exact process I used over years to become the woman I am today -- and this is how it can also transform your life. I changed myself and I changed my life that day on that bedroom floor. I rewrote the stories I had allowed myself to use for far too long and took responsibility for things I used to blame people for, set boundaries around the things in life that didn't serve my highest self, removed toxic relationships, elevated into the woman I was put on this Earth to be. Transformation. Complete 360. Once I figured out what worked, all the the things I dreamt for my life came with EASE. Broke & broken >>> building a 7-figure brand within few years, marrying the man of my dreams, continuing to grow & raise our family EXACTLY how I craved it. Sisterfriend...I really do believe in MAGIC -- I found it in this part of my life. <<<  This is what I share with you in ELEVATE >>>


What will I learn:

ELEVATE isn't another course or program, this is an immersion experience. This is a transformational container using Neuro, Somatic + Energetic practices to completely SHIFT + HEAL you.

-- A powerful blend of Neuro-Mindset Tools pulled from NLP, EFT, Clinical Hypnosis & Success + Transformation Coaching. Bust limiting beliefs, next -level visualization + healing of the mindset.

-- Deeply integrated Somatic + Embodiment tools & practices to bring the vision + dream down into the body where we can bring them to life.

-- Breathwork + Kundalini Activations +  Meditations to deepen your experience & further your healing/elevating experience.

-- Magnetism & Messaging. How to show up in the World is everything. We elevate the way you express yourself + the way the World receives your gifts.

-- 10x your Impact + Income in half the TIME. You become energetically efficient + emotionally intelligent. A recipe for complete magic.




Portal 1

Downloading the bigger VISION + MISSION for your life. We will uncover who you REALLY are at your core + what you are here to do in this life time.

Portal 2

Rewilding your inner essence. Your Goddess. Your 2.0 self. Your highest self. -- She is ready to come ALIVE within you. We also dive into your most Potent Priorities. When you apply 10% of your energy into this, you'll produce 90% of your most incredible results.

Portal 3

As we trek through the self-discovery journey, there is healing that will be required. We will start in the mind. Rewiring limiting beliefs, Recoding lower frequency thoughts + bringing your dreams to life in your MIND first. -- Recognize, Record, Release, Replace. It's like MANIFESTING 101 on steroids. 

Portal 4

Understanding + healing the Masculine & Feminine energy within our body. This is balancing the hustle + flow, balancing the creative & the action. This will make you a force to beckoned with. I will walk you through understanding this flow + mastering it.


Portal 5

Embodiment. Bringing the visions for your life from your mind down into your vessel where it can come ALIVE. This is BECOMING the woman who vibrates at the frequency of abundance, love, passion, clarity -- all.lifes.yumminess. -- I teach you powerful somatic techniques to heal + ELEVATE.

Portal 6

Intuition. Trusting yourself. A woman who leads herself to greatness can make soul-led decisions in an instant. This goes way deeper than just "trust your gut" -- this is an introduction to your energetic DNA Human Design, using your body as a decision maker + tapping into the Universe for guidance.

Portal 7

Integration. You MUST meet the Universe half way on your dreams, CO-CREATION.  In this portal, I teach you how to set SMART goals, aligned goals, FEEL-GOOD-GOALS + create habits in your life to move the needle FORWARD on your life. This is you becoming the ACTIVE PARTICIPANT in your vision,

Portal 8

Magnetism + Messaging. The World is SO ready for this next level version of you Sister. We will dive into how to show up for your soul-guided mission, how to magnetize opportunities, clients, relationships, and NEXT LEVEL Impact + Income. 


"Working with KC has been life changing. She has taught me so much and helped me believe in myself. I would have never accomplished what I have in the last few months without her. Having such a badass, business genius in my corner cheering me on and guiding me through my new journey has been the most incredible experience and I will be forever greatful to have had her in my corner. KC is amazing and I cannot recommend her enough. "

Ashley B.

" I must say that KC has really made an impact on my life, my mentality, and my dreams. She is very easy to talk to and her advise is given in a way that really makes you think and is there to guide, not judge. She never hesitates to help with my many questions, or even when I have crazy thoughts about my journey. I love the fact that what you see is what you get. She is wonderful at empowering women, and teaching us that no dream is to big or to small, and she reminds me that it is my universal right to have everything that I dream of. I am grateful to have her by my side on this amazing journey of self discovery, and I couldn't imagine having anyone else there to lean on. Thank you KC for the encouragement and no nonsense approach. You truly are a gift to this universe!!!! "

Valerie L.

Life is not about what you achieve -- it's about who you become to achieve the things you desire.

Unleashing your authentic power and evolving into the woman you crave to become depends on your ability to boldly & bravely step into uncomfortable growth, remove the masks and bust through the stories keeping you small.

You're saying to yourself..."I know I was made for more out of this life...but WHAT?" -- So I say to you...let me take you on a journey. A journey home to your true self, your true passions, your fulfilled bliss. A journey to discovering & BECOMING the woman within you who makes shift happen.
You get to ELEVATE into the next-level version of yourself. 
This program is designed to help you realize it doesn't matter what you do in this life until you elevate who you are. The life you crave will manifest when you learn yourself at your core, lead yourself and step boldly into your truth.

This is ELEVATE.

Are you ready to unlock your potential + step into your highest self?

Drop your name and email below to be the first to know when the cart is opened for the next round!


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